Every week, we put together a list of our top 5 articles of the past week. Happy reading!
Reinventing Societal Infrastructure with Technology Vinod Khosla
Vinod Khosla was covered recently in this newsletter. He documented his vision for the future in this long (but great) article. Vinod argues that transportation, health, manufacturing, food, finance, energy, education will all be reinvented in this century. Essentially, society itself will undergo a massive change. He argues that entrepreneurs are needed to push the boundaries of what is possible.
After 25 years studying innovation, here is what I have learned Clayton Christensen
The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton Christensen is revered in the business world, and for good reason. Mr. Christensen’s disruption theory is still as relevant today as it was 25 years ago. In this article, he shares some insights on what he’s learned along the way about innovation, career and family.
Micromobility, Disruption Horace Dediu
On the topic of disruption theory, an important industry that is undergoing a structural change is transportation. Automobile makers are focusing on long range vehicles such as SUVs and pick up trucks since they are more profitable. Shorter distances are competing more & more competitive with scooters, bicycles, etc. This article dives into the industry dynamics with aplomb.
That’s one of the characteristics of disruption: the entrant is far more agile than the incumbent and is able to “eat” its opponent.
Strong and Weak Technologies Chris Dixon
Chris Dixon espouses an interesting theory in this blog post. There is a difference between strong and weak technologies. Much of innovation and progress depends on strong technologies.
Weak technologies adapt to the world as it currently exists. Strong technologies adapt the world to themselves. Progress depends on strong technologies.
Eugene Wei – Tech, Media, and Culture Invest like the best, Patrick OShaughnessy
Invest like the best is easily one of my favorite podcasts. This episode does not disappoint. Patrick interviews Eugene Wei from venture capital firm A16X. They discuss all things media, tech and culture. The conversation is riveting.