Top articles of the week | November 18th

November 18, 2017

Every week, we put together a list of our top 5 articles of the past week. Happy reading!

You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot—and Sooner Than You Think Mother Jones

This is a scary read. Kevin Drum’s argues that mass joblessness is a possibility but will definitely occur within the next 50 years. He takes a larger time horizon to map out what is going to happen to the workforce this century. He also provide a few interesting solutions, some well known ones like universal basic income and other new ones. I feel that I’ve heard this story many times, it’s still a wake up call to what is happening with automation.

America’s ‘Retail Apocalypse’ Is Really Just Beginning Bloomberg

This is a good dive in what is occurring in the retail industry. It is not simply the Amazon effect but also chains overloaded with debt and changing consumer tastes particularly among younger demos. What’s worse is that much of this debt is coming due in the next 5 years. “A pall has been cast on retail. A day of reckoning is coming.”

The New York Times’ Mark Thompson on regulating Facebook, global ambition, and when to stop the presses Nieman Lab

This is an extremely interesting interview of the NY Times’s CEO Mark Thompson. He discusses the focus on subscription model as the core focus of the NYT. Revenue from print will also disappear and the nature of publishing is changing quite rapidly according to Mr. Thompson. He also talks about the elephant in the room, should Google be treated as a utility?

Understanding the blockchain with Fred Dionne, CEO @ IVEP and Founder @ DubDub PNR Podcast

This is a special podcast. On top of it being our 50th episode, we go deep in a topic that I find extremely interesting: the blockchain. Fred Dionne CEO @ IVEP helps us understand the basics of the blockchain. We also dive into his new startup that is focused on disrupting the online advertising model.

How to Excel at Both Strategy and Execution HBR

This article is a good summary one of the biggest problems we try to tackle at PNR: how to bridge the strategy and execution gap. The article provides some guidelines on how to achieve this, Build the strategy, Translate the strategy into the everyday and Execute Strategy