Top articles of the week | January 15

January 14, 2017

Every week, we put together a list of our top 5 articles of the past week. Happy reading!

How to create an exponential mindset HBR

The one thing I learned at Google was how to think bigger. The company always pushed for a 10X mindset. I love this HBR report that synthesizes how to have an exponential mindset.

M&A Market Report Q4 2016 – Digital Media Luma

You might have seen the god-awful Lumascape chart a few years. Well, Luma Partners knows what they’re doing. This report is an interesting take on the M&A market in digital media. Good overview of what happened in 2016.

A Half-Dozen Ways to Look at the Unit Economics of a Business Tren Griffin, 25iq

If you don’t follow Tren Griffin’s blog, you should. He provides a good overview of unit economics. “When someone says a business is “making money” or “losing money” be skeptical about either claim until you get enough data to apply math like I explain above.”

The Canada experiment: is this the world’s first ‘postnational’ country? The Guardian

Not really a tech article but interesting nonetheless. Are we moving to a post-national world? I wonder how much technology plays a role in this.

Looking for our second employee PNR

We’re looking for a junior engagement manager. If you know that has ecommerce & marketing experience and wants to join a great ride, please share!