Top articles of the week | February 4

February 4, 2017

Every week, we put together a list of our top 5 articles of the past week. Happy reading!

Inspired Media Stratechery

Ben Thompson provides some great insight into the last elections and the massive havoc that social media has brought. The fundamental distribution of traditional media outlets has forever changed and this has given rise to new entrants

Montréal: star de l’intelligence artificielle La Presse

It’s one of the worst kept secrets, Montreal has become a global leader in the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence. Last week, Yoshua Bengio – one of its founding fathers was on Tout Le Monde en Parle to discuss the opportunities the city has. The LaPresse article gives a good overview of why this is the case

Amazon is building a $1.5 billion hub for its own cargo airline Recode

Take over ecommerce. Check. Take over computing. Check. What’s for next Amazon? Taking over the entire distribution chain & logistics.

The AppDynamics Story — From Idea to $3.7B …the Journey Continues Jyoti Bansal, Founder & Chairman

A great success story from the bay area, AppDynamics just got acquired by Cisco for $3.7 big ones. This LinkedIn article by its founder goes over its founding story.

Episode 15: Julien Brault, CEO @ HardBacon PNR Podcast

We had the chance to interview Julien Brault, CEO of HardBacon. Before venturing into the startup world, Julien was a very well known tech journalist at Les Affaires. On this episode, we spoke about his startup and his plans to provide transparent financial services to everyone.

BONUS: Agile Strategic Planning explained YouTube

We launched our first YouTube video explaining our Agile Strategic Planning platform #winning