Every week, we put together a list of our top 5 articles of the past week. Happy reading!
Planning Doesn’t Have to Be the Enemy of Agile Harvard Business Review
Mainstream corporate interest for agile is starting to pick up. HBR has covered this topic a few times and this one falls squarely in line with one of PNR’s core tenets; agile planning makes a whole lot of sense in an uncertain world. “As more and more companies transform into agile organizations, agile planning will likely become the new normal replacing the traditional centralized planning approach.”
What Cyber-War Will Look Like The Scholar’s Stage
This is not an article about business strategy but rather one of the future of military strategy. New digital tools are changing the way the military approaches planning, strategy and tactics. It’s a terrifying read.
The Constant Consumer Real Life
Last week’s bio of Jeff Bezos was slightly effusive. This article by Drew Austin paints a slightly different picture. Amazon pioneered the notion of a constant consumer; the customer journey is one that is ongoing and constant. Recent technologies have enabled the role of customer to be fused with the newer role of user, who inhabits an entire system rather than a specific transaction. It’s a great read that challenges our conception of what it means to be a customer.
Why a Leading Venture Capitalist Is Betting on a Decentralized Internet BreakerMag
Crypto might have taken a beating this past week but there are some very smart people that are betting on the technology. This interview with Chris Dixon, a leading venture capitalist dives into his obsession with decentralization. He coined the expression “what the smartest people will do on the weekends is what everyone else will do in work in 10 years.” If you want to understand investor interest in the technology, you have the read this article.
Why Every Company Must Become An AI Company Forbes
Headlines like these kinda give me the creeps. Every company must become the something of X is a dangerous generalization. This phenomenon is particularly when it comes to technology; it’s intellectually easy to state that every company has to become more data-driven / software first / AI first. The real challenge is finding the intersection of these technologies and the right business model. This article does bring interesting examples, which demonstrate this. There an interesting perspective from the Globe & Mail this week that argues that we need to push for commercialization rather than research.
Bonus: PNR Office Opening
Check out the photos from our office opening this past week!