Top articles of the week | November 16

November 16, 2019

Every week, we put together a list of our top 5 articles of the past week. Happy reading!

The new dot com bubble is here: it’s called online advertising The Correspondent (reading time: 26 minutes)

Advertising attribution is still in its infancy despite what the mega platforms claim. This article is a wake up call to those that work in the online world; correlation does not equate causation. Simply because someone clicked on an ad doesn’t necessarily mean that the ad itself cause that person to buy.

Software Is Reorganizing the World Wired (reading time: 13 minutes)

When goods themselves can’t be digitized, our interface to them will be. Balaji Srinivasan argues that software has reorganized the way we consume but also our physical interactions with the outside. We are more connected with people over vast distances than with our neighbors. It’s a eye-opening read that adds more nuance to how software is eating the world.

Demystifying Network Effects Esme González Pillado (reading time: 14 minutes)

If you are interested in networks effects and their relationship to competitive advantage, this is a must read. Esme Pillado does a masterful job of dissecting network effects and expanding on the various components. Despite the concept being theoretical in nature, it has proven to have explanatory power. She also has included some great introductory reading material at the start of the article.

How To Organize A Large Company Without Middle Management Corporate Rebels (reading time: 22 minutes)

New management methodologies are becoming more popular, or least have more exposure in media. There are a few well-known examples of very flat organizations (Zappos, Haier). This post dissects what it actually means to “organize” and breaks down the key components; strategy, organizational structure, task allocation, coordination and motivation.