Top articles of the week | January 26

January 26, 2019

Every week, we put together a list of our top 5 articles of the past week. Happy reading!

5G: if you build it, we will fill it Benedict Evans, a16z

What are the possible applications of a 5G network? What new businesses or use cases will emerge? Benedict Evans, a former telecoms analyst, presents some of the nascent ideas that might arise with 5G networks. Just as it was impossible to predict companies like Uber and Snapchat built on mobile networks, the same challenge arises for the next generation of mobile networks.

The Most Powerful Person in Silicon Valley Fast Company

If you’ve heard of SoftBank’s $100 billion Vision Fund, you’ve probably heard the name Masayoshi Son. The Japanese founder of SoftBank is investing in technology companies across the world. To say that he has huge ambitions is an understatement. The audacity and speed of the Vision Fund is quite remarkable. This long article in Fast Company delves into just how massive the vision really is.

Schumpeter on Strategy Jerry Newmann
This is probably the best explanation of strategy I’ve read. It is short and simple yet covers many of the essential elements of business strategy. The explanation of “innovation” also makes a lot of sense to me. I highly recommend this article if you geek out on strategy like me.

Amazon Knows What You Buy. And It’s Building a Big Ad Business From It. NY Times

Amazon knows what you buy on a regular basis. It is using that data to build a significant advertising business. It is already estimated to be worth $125 billion dollars. The advertising itself is not just shopper marketing but also going after video & display ads, which is new ground. It’s fascinating to watch the battle for ad dollars play out.

Strong journalism needs a new business model PNR Blog

I wrote a few thoughts on the perils that journalism and media more broadly are facing. The need for a new business model has never more apparent. There is a French version as well.