Top articles of the week | January 12

January 12, 2019

Every week, we put together a list of our top 5 articles of the past week. Happy reading!

Blockchain can wrest the internet from corporations’ grasp Wired

Chris Dixon is a well-known investor and an advocate for blockchain. In this op-ed, he argues for a decentralized internet that will shift power away from the large technology giants. The premise is a bit too simplistic in my opinion but still powerful. We can place our trust in community owned and operated software.

Finland’s grand AI experiment Politico

Finland will never beat the US or China in the field of artificial intelligence. Instead, tens of thousands of non-technology experts are taking part in a grand experiment aimed at repurposing the country’s economy toward high-end applications of AI.

The Chinese takeover of Indian app ecosystem Factor Daily

Readers of this newsletter will recognize my interest in the Chinese tech sector. This article adds another layer, international expansion. Chinese technology companies are looking to India for growth and seeing success. It’s not just the scale but also the rapid growth that is fascinating. Chinese apps took over the Indian app ecosystem in just over a year. This article dives into the playbook. If you want more interesting intel on China, check out this Bloomberg video entitled Inside China’s Future Factory.

The Bird Box Effect: How Memes Drive Users to Netflix The Ringer

It was a slow trickle at first and is now raging torrent. The mainstream conversation about movies and entertainment has shifted to the streaming platforms – specifically Netflix. Over the holidays, two main topics occupied the conversation in my circle, Roma and BirdBox. BirdBox in particular is redefining movie marketing. This article explains how memes help contribute to the movie’s astounding numbers. It also delves into its real strategic asset, customer access over quality.

Agility at the top McKinsey and Company

I’m really happy to see Agile catching up with other consulting firms. McKinsey exposes some of its key findings in an expansive resource called Agility at the top. I hope that they build upon this and add more content over time.