Top articles of the week | February 16

February 16, 2019

Every week, we put together a list of our top 5 articles of the past week. Happy reading!

Strategy to beat the odds McKinsey & Company

I recently read “Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick“ whose authors work at McKinsey. This article is a short summary of the book and encompasses quite well some of the challenges executives face in the strategy room (the social dynamics at play, beating the market, etc.) The article brings forth the five moves that should be pursued persistently in order to achieve real growth.

The Real Future of the Platform Economy Simone Cicero

If you’re familiar with aggregation theory, this post dissects the evolution of platforms in this regard. It’s a bit of a difficult read but if you stick with it, you will find some good tidbits of wisdom. There is a growing opportunity for marketplace platforms and the role they are set to play in the economy.

5 Ways the Best Companies Close the Strategy-Execution Gap Harvard Business Review

I stumbled across this 2017 article in HBR and it immediately struck a chord. The strategy execution gap is something that we spend quite a bit of time working on. The piece highlights some relevant insights for executives when it comes to strategic thinking. The author even brings for the concept of agile planning in order to test and learn.

Fortnite Is the Future, but Probably Not for the Reasons You Think Redef Media

I recently chatted with a client in the video game industry about Fortnite. What was revealing in that conversation is the level of hype around the game. This article does a good of dispelling some of the myths around revenue and profitability (the game does not come close to other leaders). Yet, there is something quite powerful and compelling about the game. The future of Fortnite sheds some insight into the future of VR and entertainment.

How to Interview an Executive Delian Asparouhov, Khosla Ventures

I stumbled across this article was not disappointed. It is one of the most relevant descriptions I’ve read for an executive role. The summary questions in the beginning are worth the price of reading it. I highly recommend this article