
Tech for Good EP#09 | Solving big ass problems with Sam Ramadori, CEO @ Brainbox

December 16, 2022

On this week’s show, we spoke with Sam Ramadori, CEO @ Brainbox

Sam is a recognized private equity expert and senior executive with significant experience in identifying investment opportunities and supporting management teams in developing and executing growth-oriented business plans. Sam joined the BrainBox AI team in the spring of 2019 and oversees the execution of the company’s growth-oriented business plan as well as investor relations.

I also wrote a post on the company on my blog that dives deeper into the company. 

On the show, we spoke about: 

  • BrainBox’s big goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from buildings
  • The huge challenges facing adoption in their market
  • How their advanced AI technology works 
  • Their ambitious goal of connecting buildings
    The future of distributed energy

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