
PNR Podcast Episode 30: Deborah Cherenfant, founder @ Marché Coloré

June 2, 2017

On this week’s episode, we spoke with Deborah Cherenfant, founder @ Marché Coloré. An enthusiastic entrepreneur, Deborah founded in 2011 Mots d’Elles, a blog dedicated to the inspiration and influence of businesswomen and influence. A year later, she launched Coloré Design, a line of fashion accessories and handmade design in Montreal of traditional fabrics.

In 2009, after studying entrepreneurship at HEC Montréal, she worked as a start-up and corporate finance consultant before coordinating regional entrepreneurship projects within the Montreal CRE until 2015.

Dynamic and curious, she volunteers in project management within the business community, notably with the Young Chamber of Commerce of Montreal, Capital Innovation, the Young Chamber of Commerce of Haiti and Compagnie F, Entrepreneurship for Women, She has been chairman of the board since 2016.

On the show, we spoke about:

Deborah is an incredible entrepreneur and a dynamic leader. I enjoyed learning about her career path and her relentless pursuit to help others with their entrepreneurial projects. I hope that you enjoy the show!

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