
The PNR Paper — An Introduction

April 5, 2017

The PNR Paper is a short summary, every Wednesday, of an important, influential, topical or interesting research paper in the fields of business, management and strategy.

The PNR Paper is inspired by the morning paper which is produced each weekday (yes!) by Adrian Colyer, a venture partner with Accel Partners, and covers the field of computer science. I have a huge respect for Adrian and could not follow that pace and productivity.

My goal with The PNR Paper is to explore the edge of business, management and strategy. It is easy to get caught up with operational duties and I miss that part of school where you get to step back and explore new perspectives. I had great teachers at McGill, so I want to make papers digestible, share it with readers and hopefully expand readers’ horizons.

In terms of paper selection, I will try to stay in the fields of business, management and strategy, but I might go outside these fields and explore other fields such as behavioural economics or psychology. My only real rule is that I find the paper interesting, that it has an impact on organizations in some ways and that it is worth sharing with executives.

If you have any feedback or want to see a paper featured, feel free to reach out at