
Health & data with Marina Pavlovic Rivas, Co-Founder and CEO @ Eli Health

May 14, 2021

On this week’s show, we spoke with Marina Pavlovic Rivas, Co-Founder and CEO @ Eli Health

She is also the co-founder of WiMLDS Montreal, a community of 1000+ people with the mission to support and promote gender minorities in machine learning and data science and the founder of Gradiant AI, a company that delivers artificial intelligence and analytics solutions to creative industries. Marina has also a large experience in Data Science, and has worked as Data Science Consultant for Radio Canada and BDC.

Eli’s long-term mission goes beyond fertility and contraception. Hormones are at the very root of transitions women experience from puberty to menopause. Yet, no solution allows for daily monitoring of the fluctuations of multiple hormones over many years. That lack of data led to women’s health needs being poorly understood and thus poorly addressed. Their technology has been thoughtfully engineered to overcome this. With the same product, Eli can tackle major unmet needs at all stages of women’s lives.

On the show, we spoke about:

  • Her interest in data analysis
  • The idea behind Eli Health
  • Hormone monitoring and its potential applications
  • Her vision behind Eli Health and its huge market

Marina is an up and coming entrepreneur. I’m super excited to see her build Eli Health. I hope that you enjoy the conversation!

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