
The future of music with Fred Ranger, Vice-President Product Marketing @ Stingray

August 4, 2017

On this week’s show, we spoke with Fred Ranger, Vice-President Product Marketing @ Stingray. Fred is an award-winning, experienced business leader focused on connecting people with brands through engaging content made for the real-time world. Throughout his career, Fred has helped brands such as CBC/Radio-Canada, L’Équipe Spectra, Astral, TELUS, Tourism Montréal and Yellow Pages to succeed in the digital world by leading the teams responsible for the execution of cutting edge marketing communications strategies and campaigns.

His digital and social media strategies have propelled TELUS to the #1 Telecom Brand position and the #2 overall brand on Facebook in Canada. He and his team have also been recognized as leaders of the tourism industry and one of the most innovative tourism offices in North America for their “social by design” campaign strategies.

Being a practitioner, Fred firmly believes that storytelling/listening is key to solving organizational challenges.

We spoke about:

  • Stingray’s massive ambitions to take over music globally
  • Why he’s excited about the company’s growth prospects
  • The reason he joined (hint: it’s about the people)
  • How the world of marketing has changed in the past few years
  • What skills are needed in order to succeed in marketing today

I always learn a ton when I talk to Fred and I’m glad to consider him a friend.

I hope that you enjoy the show.

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