
Fostering creativity with Laurent Simon, Full Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation @ HEC Montreal

October 4, 2019

On this week’s show, we spoke with Laurent Simon, Full Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation @ HEC Montreal. Laurent Simon is a professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at HEC Montréal. He created and teaches a master’s-level course on innovation management and received an award for pedagogical excellence in 2005. His research focuses mainly on innovation-minded projects, knowledge management and how creativity is managed in various settings. He is the co-founder and co-director of Mosaic, HEC Montréal’s creativity and innovation hub focusing on research, knowledge transfer and dissemination. He is regularly called on by private, public and parapublic organizations to provide his insight into these topics.

On the show, we spoke about:

  • Creativity in the video game industry
  • Can creativity be taught?
  • How universities need to reinvent themselves
  • The innovation value chain
  • The summer school on management of creativity – Mosaic which be co-founded

Laurent is an incredibly interesting professor and shared some great insights about creativity. I hope that you enjoy the conversation!

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